Work More This Summer

School’s out for the summer in most places. And that might mean a change in your work schedule as you juggle kids being home. While it’s only the beginning of June, the official start of summer is right around the corner. Anecdotally speaking, the summer time often means less shifts picked up and more call offs for our industry. But now is when you should be working more.

Here are the top five reasons to work more shifts this summer with Advena Healthcare Staffing.

Make More Money

It’s just simple math. The more you work, the more you’ll earn. And that might help you save up for a nice vacation towards the end of the summer, when flights and hotels are cheaper. If you have kids, you can also start saving now for the upcoming school year and avoid the sticker shock of supplies and new clothes.


Professional Growth

The more shifts you commit to, regardless of the season, the more reliable you will look. And that might lead to picking the best shifts at the best communities first.


Work-Life Balance

By working for AHS and having that flexibility, you can find a balance that fits your schedule. If your kids are at summer camp all day, pick up a day shift. Alternatively, if they’re home during the day, look for evening or weekend shifts instead. You get to control where, when and how often you want to work. Make that work for your life.


Spend Time with Residents

The summer is more fun for planning resident activities. There may be a scheduled outing to the zoo or botanical gardens where an extra staff member is needed to come along. Or maybe it’s taking a resident for a walk around the building or enjoying popsicles with them outside. Whatever it is, you can mix work with pleasure by getting to know the residents and being outside. Win, win.


Beat the Heat

Come for the job, stay for the air conditioning. On days when it’s too hot to be outside for long, stay cool with the free air conditioning at work. You can also save money on electric bill at home by not running the AC all day.


About Advena Healthcare Staffing

Advena Healthcare Staffing works to staff nurses, CNAs, CMAs, DONs and administrators in senior living communities throughout Kansas. Placements include temporary or permanent, full-time or part-time and PRN positions.

To learn how you can join our team, click here or call Jennifer, our Director of Staffing and Client Relations, at (785) 789-3944. 

If you’re already part of AHS, we’re so glad to have you! Sign up to receive our monthly newsletter by clicking here.

If you’re interested in working with us, feel free to reach out to Kaitie, our Director of Business and Talent Recruiting.


How to Know if You Have the Right Job

Many of us will re-evaluate what we’re doing with our lives at some point— whether we’re in the right job or relationship, or we’re making positive lifestyle decisions.

We could experience an important life event that makes us pause. Or there might be a general unease that something isn’t right.

That reflection often leads to change.


Why People Leave Their Jobs

There are many reasons why someone might choose to leave their job. And it’s not always just for higher pay.

Job site Indeed says many of the reasons revolve around feeling uninspired, undervalued or unchallenged.

Other reasons include the wrong culture or environment, conflict with workplace policies, or lack of work-life balance.

A company has a better chance at retaining employees if they can meet or excel at these things. Meanwhile, you’ll be less likely to jump ship. 

Finding the Right Job

A recent survey of 2,500 employees in their 20s and 30s found nearly three-fourths of those surveyed regretted taking a job because it was different than they thought it would be.   

Harvard Business Review says it’s important to review the job description clearly to get insight on the role and if it aligns with your skills, education and background. Make sure this job will meet your goals and help you get where you want to be.

Discuss salary and benefits ahead of time so there are no surprises. 

Lastly, dig a little deeper on the organization. Consider whether the company culture is the right fit for you and pay attention to how they communicate. 

You Made the Right Choice

What if you’re already in it? To know whether you’ve landed the right job, consider these five signs from Lifehack:

  1. You feel rewarded from the work you do.
  2. You wake up motivated and not dreading the day.
  3. You like to talk about your job to friends and family.
  4. You rarely check the clock throughout the day.
  5. You genuinely like your coworker and being around them.

About Advena Healthcare Staffing

Advena Healthcare Staffing is always looking for nurses, CNAs and CMAs to join our team.

We hope we’re the right fit for you. We want you to be excited to take on a shift with us and we want you to feel supported. If not, we want to know about it! AHS welcomes feedback so we can learn how to be a better organization for your agency staff and our clients.

AHS is dedicated to helping hospitals, health centers, long-term care and assisted living communities staff open needs throughout Kansas. 

To learn how you can join our team, click here or call Jennifer, our Director of Staffing and Client Relations, at (785) 789-3944. 

If you’re interested in working with us as a client, feel free to reach out to Kaitie, our Director of Business and Talent Recruiting.



Social Connections: The Secret to Happy Employees

Have you ever worked at a job where it was discouraged to socialize with your coworkers? The writer of this blog has. The former boss preferred employees to call their colleagues on the phone, rather than walk down the hallway and talk in person. Perhaps that manager believed those connections led to lost productivity. He would be wrong.

Friendships at Work

One of the longest running studies out of Harvard recently revealed that forming connections with your coworkers can make you happier. And a happier workforce is a more productive one.

The results of the 85-year-long study were published in a new book, The Good Life. NPR interviewed the author and leader of the study, Dr. Robert Waldinger, professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.

“The people who had the warmest connections with other people weren’t just happier, they stayed healthier longer. And they lived longer,” said Waldinger. “We get little hints of well-being, if you will, from all kinds of relationships – from friends, family, work colleagues. All of that seems to affirm our belonging, seems to affirm that we are seen and recognized by others.”


Lacking Social Connections

Maybe it’s the increase in remote work. Or the workforce has changed since the pandemic. Whatever the cause, new polls from Gallup found there’s a lack of social connections at work.

Only 32% of workers feel engaged with their coworkers. And only 2 out of 10 people report having a workplace best friend. That same report found those 20% with performed better at work and were less likely to leave.


Become More Social at Work

It may be hard to form connections with your coworkers when you work for a staffing agency. You don’t always clock in at the same community and interact with the same people day after day.

The lead author of the study suggests small actions.

“What we know with strengthening your relationships is that very tiny steps can lead to responses that will make you feel good,” said Dr. Waldinger.

That includes sending a colleague a quick text, having lunch with them or simply engaging in conversation about how their week is going. Over time, it can create lasting connections.


About Advena Healthcare Staffing

Advena Healthcare Staffing is dedicated to helping hospitals, health centers, long-term care and assisted living communities staff open needs throughout Kansas. We staff nurses, CNAs and CMAs, as well as DONs and Administrators. Placements include temporary or permanent, full-time or part-time and PRN positions.

To learn how you can join our team, click here or call Jennifer, our Director of Staffing and Client Relations, at (785) 789-3944. 

If you’re interested in working with us, feel free to reach out to Kaitie, our Director of Business and Talent Recruiting.

Why Flexibility Matters: Benefits of a Flexible Work Schedule

Even before 2020, the 9-to-5 workday was slowly becoming outdated, with more people wanting flexible jobs. But Covid-19 may have pushed the needle a little further.

According to a study from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Americans spent their time differently in 2021 than before the pandemic. That includes less time commuting, sleeping more, relaxing more and more time cooking and cleaning.

The desire for a flexible work day didn’t just go away when Covid-19 calmed down. Research from CareerBuilder found flexible jobs attract seven times more applicants than jobs with more traditional hours.

“People are not going to return to work the way they have in the past,” said Kristin Kelley, Chief Marketing Officer at CareerBuilder. “Flexibility is the new norm and expectation from employees. We’re going to see this trend continue in the months ahead.” 


Benefits of Flexible Work Schedules

There are several advantages for employees who may be pursuing or already working  a flexible job.

Leading job site Indeed points out the following four benefits:

  • Work-Life Balance
  • Professional Development
  • Health
  • Satisfaction


Balancing Work and Home Life

If you’re looking to switch to a job that offers more flexibility, consider the impact on your work-life balance. When you have control over when you work, it gives you the freedom to take care of your personal life when you need to. Instead of taking time off for an appointment or to pick up your child from school, you can shift your hours a bit.


Professional Advancement

The team at Indeed points out that flexibility at work allows you to pursue professional development opportunities or continue your education. The typical time constraints of a 9-to-5 don’t limit you. You can adjust your schedule accordingly to accommodate taking a class.

Health and Happiness

The National Institutes of Health found there is a correlation between flexible jobs are increased well-being and reduced stress.

Data also shows that flexibility was positively related to happiness.  


Contentment at Work

Another benefit of flexible jobs was higher job satisfaction.

“When you’re more satisfied with your job, you may find it more enjoyable to interact with colleagues, go to work and perform your duties,” according to Indeed. “Higher job satisfaction can also lead to higher productivity and engagement.”


Benefits to the Employer

Indeed also pointed out these positive effects of flexible work schedules on the employer:

  • Employees are more engaged with their work and more productive.
  • Companies can retain staff longer.
  • It might lead to better job attendance and fewer days off.

For more on this, check out the Indeed article.


About Advena Healthcare Staffing

When you work for a healthcare staffing agency like us, you have the freedom and flexibility to plan when you want to work and where you want to work.

Advena Healthcare Staffing is dedicated to helping hospitals, health centers, long-term care and assisted living communities staff open needs throughout Kansas. 

We staff nurses, CNAs and CMAs, as well as DONs and Administrators. Placements include temporary or permanent, full-time or part-time and PRN positions.

To learn how you can join our team, click here or call Jennifer, our Director of Staffing and Client Relations, at (785) 789-3944. 

If you’re interested in working with us, feel free to reach out to Kaitie, our Director of Business and Talent Recruiting.

Increase Your Productivity at Work

It happens to the best of us. We start off the day with good intentions of getting things done and yet somehow, our to-do list gets longer. We forget to check off some boxes. We add more things. The day ends and we wonder where it went.

If you’re feeling moments of lost productivity, these simple tips will help you re-focus.


One Thing at a Time

It sounds simple enough: focus on one task before moving on to the next.

Productivity experts at Indeed say, “When we concentrate on more than one activity at a time, we tend to use more of that time just for transitioning between tasks. This can result in some of the tasks remaining incomplete or being done at a lower quality than if each task had been a sole focus.”

Start with the biggest or most time-consuming item first, if you can. Sometimes you have to deal with whatever is in front of you.


Timing is Everything

Experts say look at when you have the most time or when you’re most alert and energized.

Figure out the day when your productivity is at its highest. For some people, that’s the morning and they’re ready to take on the day. Night owls might beg to differ.


Give Me a Break

Short five- or ten-minute breaks can help you re-focus.

“It can be tempting to avoid taking the time for a break, but when you neglect to give yourself a time-out for a few minutes, it can harm your overall productivity by resulting in fatigue or burn-out,” according to Indeed. “If this happens, you may not have the energy or motivation to continue making progress.”


Take Care of Yourself

It might sound counterintuitive to productivity, but getting enough sleep is quite important.

CEO and Cofounder of Aquifer Motion Chen Zhang stresses the importance of sleep.

“There’s a hustle culture out there where people brag, ‘I stayed up until three and woke up at seven,’” said Zhang. “Long-term that won’t help you. It will cause you to make decisions you wouldn’t normally make because your brain, your body is not functioning the way it needs to. Taking care of yourself physically, mentally, emotionally is so important.”


About Advena Healthcare Staffing

At AHS, we want our agency staff to feel productive and proud of their work.

That might mean picking up evening shifts because you work better at night. Or you may need to re-think your schedule.

Fortunately, when you work for a healthcare staffing agency like us, you have the freedom and flexibility to plan when you want to work and where you want to work.

Advena Healthcare Staffing is dedicated to helping hospitals, health centers, long-term care and assisted living communities staff open needs throughout Kansas. We staff nurses, CNAs and CMAs, as well as DONs and Administrators.

To learn how you can join our team, click here or call Jennifer, our Director of Staffing and Client Relations, at (785) 789-3944. 

Wellness in the Workplace: Little Moments of Self-Care 

As we turn the page to a new year, it’s as good a time as any to focus on self-care and overall wellness. The term self-care has often been synonymous with Eastern medicine practices like yoga, meditation and reiki, or taking a trip to the spa or healing retreat. For many people, that may not be attainable. But there are some simple and easy ways to incorporate self-care every day, even while you’re at work.



Defining Self-Care

The Journal of Counseling Psychology defines self-care as a “multi-dimension, multi-faceted process of purposeful engagement in strategies that promote healthy functioning and enhance well-being.”

In the simplest terms, it’s an intentional that benefits your mental or emotional health. Self-care is whatever you want it to be. That may be going for a walk with your dog, unwinding with a bubble bath or good book, or just getting extra sleep.



Self-Care at Work

There are only so many hours in the day and many of those are spent at our jobs. Incorporating wellness into your daily routine can be beneficial.

According to popular job search site Indeed, ”practicing self-care at work is an important part of combatting feelings of stress or burnout.”

They recommend the following ways to add little moments of self-care throughout the day.

  1. Pack a healthy and nutritious lunch.
  2. Take breaks outside.
  3. Drink more water.
  4. Socialize with coworkers.
  5. Request time off when needed.
  6. Listen to your favorite music.
  7. Decorate your desk or personalize your workspace.
  8. Learn to be present in the moment.

To read the full article, click here.

Another thing that feeds the soul? Bonding with the residents. Take time to hear their stories and listen to their concerns. Go for a walk around the building, sit outside with them and soak up some vitamin D, or play a quick game of cards.

Supporting Employees

A Harvard Business Review study found that organizations can’t function effectively with “struggling and suffering workers.” Workers want to feel like their companies care about them and support them financially, emotionally and mentally.



About Advena Healthcare Staffing

At AHS, we want our employees to feel valued and supported.

That’s why we provide resources for support and guidance through an Employee Assistance Program (EAP). It’s a confidential counseling program available to staff and their families.

EAP services can help the following:

  • Life improvement and goal setting
  • Stress and anxiety with work or life
  • Financial or legal concerns
  • Emotional wellbeing
  • Family or relationship issues

Advena Healthcare Staffing is dedicated to helping hospitals, health centers, long-term care and assisted living communities staff open needs throughout Kansas. 

To learn how you can join our team, click here or call Jennifer, our Director of Staffing and Client Relations, at (785) 789-3944. 



5 Ways to Get Excited about your Work Day

Sometimes there are days where it feels like we’re going through the motions. Wake up, go to work, come home, make dinner, watch TV, go to bed and do it all over again. A change of mindset may be all it takes to get excited about your job. Here are five easy ways to overcome the monotony.

Start Your Day with Gratitude

Practicing gratitude can have a positive effect on our mental health and overall wellbeing. First thing after you wake up, think of three things you are thankful for. Gratitude experts believe that the good feelings that come with thinking about happy experiences will continue through the day.


Remember Your Passion

It’s worth reflecting on what drew you to this line of work in the first place. Maybe you wanted to help people and change lives. If you’ve been in the same job field for many years, it’s easy to lose sight of this. Remembering why you chose this career can help get you excited about your job and give you a new sense of purpose.


Add Value

Think about the value you add to an organization. What are you really good at? What is it that you do that no one else does? Consider all the ways that you contribute to your organization and take pride in that. While we all have parts of our jobs that aren’t our favorite, focus on what you do great and the parts you enjoy.

Share those skills. Teaching or mentoring coworkers can give you a confidence boost in your abilities and the potential to support others.


Try Something New at Work

Consider taking on a new project or learning a new skill at work. It will help build your resume and make you more invaluable in your job. It can combat any feelings of boredom you may be experiencing at work.

If you work for a staffing agency like AHS, pick up shifts at a different community for a change of scenery.


Have Something to Look Forward To

For some people, the excitement of an upcoming vacation or fun activity is almost as fun as the actual event itself. Chase that feeling every day on a smaller scale. The anticipation of something to look forward to, like lunch with a coworker, may motivate you to get through the day.


About AHS

Choose the career you love but with more flexibility. At Advena Healthcare Staffing, you decide when, where and how often you want to work. 

We staff CNAs, CMAs, RNs, LPNs, DONs, and Administrators in hospitals, long-term care and assisted living communities throughout Kansas.

To learn how you can join our team, click here or call Jennifer, our Director of Staffing and Client Relations, at (785) 789-3944. 



Advena logo (Kansas healthcare agency staffing and living communities - nursing homes/LTC, skilled nursing, assisted living)